Innovation Clinic

Segal Innovation Consulting


Startup consulting

Starting a business can be complicated. Therefore, as an entrepreneur, many unknown factors must be considered. Startup consulting helps start-up businesses. Getting expert advice can significantly increase the chances of success of a business. By avoiding costly mistakes, this advice alone saves time and drastically reduces budget requirements. For a start-up business, consulting services and using a startup consultant have many advantages.

Startup consulting for small businesses enables entrepreneurs and investors to collaborate with business experts while building core business structures or products. This strengthens the business from the very beginning. A startup consultant has already acquired the necessary knowledge for that particular business.

Benefits of startup consulting

  • Quick access to expertise and knowledge as a business or an entrepreneur.
  • Flexible relationships, using consulting services only when needed, desired, or cost-effective.
  • Getting help in doing business to achieve career goals.
  • Eliminating the trial and error stage and using learning curves: with the experience gained from the knowledge of the consultants, you can be informed from the very beginning.
  • Avoid common mistakes with the help of a startup consultant. Make better decisions from the start.
  • Benefit from more help and experience at the executive level to achieve key goals.
  • Quick and reliable access to the skills needed to perform specific tasks.



Financing advice

Financing for large and medium-sized economic enterprises is a vital process that is implemented to support activities, development, and cost management, the issue of financing is one of the most important issues in knowledge-based businesses today, and the development of financing tools has a special place in knowledge. Financed.
Financing refers to the process of providing the capital needed for economic activities, purchasing equipment, and investment. Financing is vital in all economic systems and allows companies to purchase and supply the products they need. Financing is essential for creating, developing, and increasing business profitability
Specialist experts who are proficient in the implementation principles of financing structures in Iran’s capital market, as part of investment consulting services, provide financing consulting services, the description of which is given below.

  • Compilation and revision of financial models of explanatory reports
  • Investigating and evaluating different financing methods
  • Project financing consulting
  • Consulting for obtaining bank facilities from domestic and foreign banks
  • Providing new investment ideas
  • Consultation and cooperation in drafting partnership contracts with domestic and foreign investors
  • Investigating and evaluating the risks related to the implementation and financing of the project and proposing methods of managing and reducing risks



Legal advice

There are common legal problems of startups at all stages, including the launch of startups, their promotion and development, and especially at the investment stage, and each of the startups seeks to achieve specific and different goals. Issues such as company registration, patents for a new product, setting up a contract between startup founders, issuing shares, etc. are among the legal issues that can cause problems for the owners of these startups. For this reason, knowing the rights of startups can reduce legal problems for these people and make their goal path smoother. In this regard, the signature legal ecosystem is ready to provide all the services needed by startups to its members and co-founders with full knowledge of the startup activity process and consulting to more than hundreds of startups in the country.

Many entrepreneurs in the startup field feel that the need for legal counsel is felt when they have a legal problem when it is too late to use a lawyer. To avoid the costs of the courts, the cost of referring the case to a lawyer, the costs of the agreement, and time and cash costs, you should use advice. Luck is the people who are in front of you. Legal advice also eliminates possible problems that are being created in the organization, it also helps you to draft your contract, including the contract between cofounders. Employees, investors, etc. should be corrected properly. All internet businesses must comply with the e-commerce law, the legal advisor is well aware of this law.

Legal consulting services for startups

  • Advice on the issue of licenses required by your business
  • Advice for reviewing a contract and whether to sign it or not?
  • Advice on how to hire someone without future legal problems
  • Advice on how to end legal problems faced by employees
  • Help with intellectual property disputes including copyright, trademark (logo), and patents
  • Advice for website rules and privacy
  • Helping you integrate with other companies



Tax consulting

Considering the wide range of tax laws and the seriousness of the government in collecting taxes, familiarity with tax matters seems very necessary and important for businesses. do yourself

Many business owners believe that they can save money and resources better by doing things by themselves, but this is not the case. Tax laws are constantly changing and it is very difficult for the common man to keep track of these changes. Failure to master tax laws increases the risk of tax mistakes and improper management of tax issues. An expert consultant can be of great help in benefiting from the laws by mastering these laws and being aware of the new laws. Also, sometimes due to not having enough knowledge of the laws, you may not be able to take full advantage of the tax advantages and legal discount methods.


Among the things that seem important in business tax affairs include:

  • Tax on the income of legal and natural persons
  • Salary income tax
  • Incentives, tax crimes, and crime forgiveness solutions
  • Acceptable expenses and depreciation
  • Tax defense training and bill writing at all levels of proceedings
  • Value-added tax for individuals and legal entities
  • Actions and procedures of taxpayers on the day of tax investigation
  • Practical and specialized way of writing legal offices
  • Articles 169 and 169 repeatedly
  • Training the complete procedures of tax proceedings
  • Collection and execution department
  • Performance declaration of legal and natural persons



Consulting on insurance matters

One of the most necessary and important issues that has taken a serious shape in the country is the insurance industry (including social security insurance and other insurances related to work and employment). Today’s events have become so diverse and uncontrollable that one can never imagine a better way than insurance. In addition to social security insurance, which is necessary for all businesses, due to the expansion of new medical facilities and technology and the increasing medical costs, supplementary medical insurance and personnel accident insurance are suitable coverage to address the serious concerns of insurers and the possibility It is good for providing an important part of the expenses in excess of the social security insurance tariffs, medical services, armed forces, etc. of the insured at the time of diseases and accidents.

Both employers and workers will definitely face some labor relations issues during their working lives, which in many cases require the services of labor insurance and labor law consultation. Cases that can sometimes be solved by getting a free labor law consultation over the phone rather than leading to labor and employer lawsuits.


Several reasons double the need for an impartial consultant in the insurance policy.

To understand how important this issue can be, we point out the following:

  • The multiplicity of insurance companies
  • Knowledge of the required insurance for each issue
  • Specialization of insurance policies and specific complications of each insurance policy
  • Knowledge of insurance coverage in each insurance company
  • Suitable insurance solutions for the “insured” in buying insurance
  • Unbiased comparison according to the number of insurance companies
  • Knowledge of how to pay damages in insurance companies


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